Slůně - svět jazyků, s.r.o.
Hollarova 1124/14
702 00 Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava
e-mail:, tel. 591 125 660
Billing information
ID: 258 56 995
VAT: CZ 258 56 995
company registered in the Commercial Register maintained by KS in Ostrava in section C, file no. 22332
Bank: 2801584295/2010 - Fio bank
Translation & Interpreting
Contact your nearest branch for telephone information
Our branches

Our branch is 100% virtual. Call us or email us with your inquiries. ,
Opening hours
MON-THU 8:00-16:00
FRI 8:00-15:00

Our branch is 100% virtual. Call us or email us with your inquiries. ,
Opening hours
MON-THU 8:00-16:00
FRI 8:00-15:00

Kollárova 38,
301 00 Plzeň
Opening hours
you can reach us by e-mail and phone:
MON-THU 8:00-16:00
FRI 8:00-15:00
we are in the office:
MON-WED 8:00-16:00
or by appointment