Business kurzy v angličtině na 120 minut jsou vhodné zejména pro ty, kdo si chtějí udržovat svou znalost angličtiny nebo ji rozšířit pouze o konkrétní témata a oblasti.
Pro ty, kdo nemají prostor pro dlouhodobé studium, a jejich úroveň znalostí je alespoň B1.
Jaké jsou výhody našich Business English Workshops?
- každý workshop se zaměřuje na jedno konkrétní téma
- výuka probíhá v malých skupinkách (2 – 6 účastníků) a je interaktivní (témata lze doplnit/změnit dle vašich potřeb)
- termíny a intenzita se nastavuje individuálně, workshopy mohou probíhat kdykoli v průběhu roku
- doporučujeme 1 – 2 workshopy / měsíc
- workshop = 2 x 60 minut
- není nutné nikam dojíždět, výuka probíhá on-line
Základní informace
- On-line
- Max. 6 účastníků
- Každé téma na 120 minut
- Pro úroveň B1, B2, C1
- Certifikát o absolvování kurzu
- Vyberte si z našich 20 tematických kurzů
- Cena: 2500,-Kč / kurz (cena se s počtem účastníků nemění)
Poptejte zde přes on-line formulář nebo na emailu, případně volejte 777 758 638.
Communication on the phone
- preparation: vocabulary and useful phrases
- how to speak effectively over the phone
- communication on thephone in different situations
Writing e-mails
- introducing yourself viae-mail
- key phrases and e-mail writing, arranging meetings
- follow-up phone call
- do’s and don’ts
- how to negotiate effectively
- key phrases and negotiation in different situations
- how to make an effective and interesting presentation
- most common mistakes
- body languages
Digital Marketing Essentials for Business Professionals
- explore the fundamental of digital marketing
- equipping you with the knowledge to leverage online platforms for business
- growth and brand visibility
Ethical business
- ethics in general
- how to deal with problems in the most ethical way
- how to improve your business
Cultural differences
- our view on culture
- giving examples and talking about past events
- problems in communication within different cultures
- working in team x alone
- effective communication
- solving problems
- persuasion x manipulation
- key phrases
- how to use persuasion in an efficient way
Decision –making
- talking about making decisions
- participating in a discussion
- being persuasive
Leadership and Team Dynamics
- building high-performance Teams
- leadership styles, teams-building strategies
- effective communication techniques to foster a positive and productive environment
Innovation in Business
- cultivating and culture of creativity
- explore methods to foster innovation within your organization
- encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving for sustainable business growth
Time Management and Productivity Hacks for Busy Professionals
- Develop emotional intelligence skills to enhance interpersonal relationships
- manage conflicts
- create a positive work atmosphere
Handling difficult conversations and complaints
- how to deal with tricky conversations in the workplace
- tips and practice
- handling customer complaints
Cross-Cultural Business Etiquette
- navigating global workspaces
- understand cultural nuances in business interactions
- fostering effective communication and collaboration in a diverse international environment
- fact-finding and achievement
- report back on and evaluate research
- using contrasting language
- talking about personal qualities
- appraising performance and set objectives
- give feedback
How to give presentations differently
- TED talks
- PechaKucha presentations
- tips and examples
- talking about managing time
- speculate and discuss consequences
- negotiate conditions
- introducing new processes
- make and change future plans
- describe processes